Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chrimbus Crunch

Happy Halloween, everyone!

The time of reckoning is upon us: the holiday season. 

Although I can't really say I've been in the holiday spirit for a couple years now, it's been quite dulled this year in particular. So much so in fact that I still haven't completed my gift shopping, and have hardly listened to any festive music. But I figure if I got the cereal for this blog, I may as well write this sucka. 

If you couldn't tell by the title, today we're taking a look (or taste) of Christmas Crunch. Jeesh. That's two different novelty Cap'n Crunch cereals in a row. If there's one thing you can say about the Cap'n, he sure likes taking shore leave to celebrate the holidays.
Normally I'm the type of guy that is perfectly fine saying "Happy Holidays" over "Merry Christmas" just because it's respectful and hardly a burden. And no one is 'taking Christmas away from you,' trust me, but I'm kinda glad they went for the alliteration points here.
Anyway, Christmas Crunch contains red and green "fun holiday shaped" berries such as Christmas trees, Santa hats, and stars. Also, it looks like the Cap'n is tryna hang himself withe the Christmas lights on the box. Can't blame him. 

Let's suck that spooky dick!

Considering I just did a Cap'n Crunch blog last month, there's really not much to say. My mouth is so cut up, it wants to listen to MCR, that's about it. 

I hope you all receive every dildo and butt plug you specified in your list to Santa. I know I'm getting a few. 

Any suggestions for a Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or other December holiday themed cereals for next year are welcomed.

I'm gonna send you guys and girls off with some Jingle Grumps!
[Game Grumps Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm]

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Touchdown Crunch

Hey there, sports fans!

So I was pretty on the fence about posting this on Thanksgiving because if there's one thing people wanna see on a day that's notorious for stuffing your face, it's even more food. But here I am, posting this. 
Thanksgiving and football go hand-in-hand, unless you're me or someone who doesn't like sports. I don't even know if there's a game today, to be honest. Personally, I've become accustomed to watching the Mystery Science Theater Turkey Day marathons. To each there own, though.

...What the heck was I talking about again? Oh, right! Thanksgiving and football. 
So after everyone has had their fill of food and/or arguments. your dad and grandpa and that really fat guy you believe to be your cousin all gather around the flicker tube (Flicker tube? What am I? 80?) and watch a good old game of touch-em-down. So today, we're gonna score a field goal with the Cap'n! (Are you tired of my completely ignorant football jargon yet? Me too, actually.)

(I said) Yep! (what a concept) I got myself some Touchdown Crunch cereal. Got this shit at a Dollar Tree store about a week ago. I haven't even seen this in your usual grocery store, but I'm guessing it's been out for a bit and these are the sad, lonely leftovers that didn't make it off the self quick enough. It's fine though because the box says they're good till March of 2017, so who am I to judge? Plus I got this 13 ounce box for just a dollar, so I'm probably gonna get more stuff from the Dollar Tree in the future for later cereal blogs.  

Anyway, it's your usual Cap'n Crunch, but with 'football shapes' opposed to Crunch Berries. These football shapes are basically just elongated Crunch Berries. Like someone at the factory fucked up and the CEO was like, "Football players carbo-load on cereal. These are cereals that kinda look like footballs... It's a win-win situation! You're still fired for fucking up though, Jim." And thus Touchdown Crunch was born.

Let's get to the end zone, or whatever the fuck.

Yeah, that's Cap'n Crunch all right. 
The roof of my mouth is bleeding profusely, but that's the price to pay for this delicious American pastime inspired razor blade cereal. Don't get me wrong, I love Cap'n Crunch, but gosh dang, my mouth sure doesn't.  You could make a kitchen knife out of this stuff. 

I'm deducting points for the physical and emotional damage.

Before I go, check out this pic from Cap'c Crunch's Facebook page:

He apparently teamed up with some clothing line(?) called KITH and he looks like a freakin gangster Fred Flintstone. 
Cap'n Midlife Crisis, is more like it. 

Anyway, bye. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Check out the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon on Youtube if you're into that kinda thing.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ah Frank, It's Berry

Are you fucking spooked yet?

All right. So it's now the day before Halloween. Do you see how I planned this shit out? I'm a genius.  So that's three spooky cereals down, one more to go. 
Today, we're doing the monster cereal that I recall being my favorite, Franken Berry! Or maybe it's Frankenberry, I dunno. It's two separate words on the box, but typing it as one word just feels right, y'know?

Look at Franken Berry. He's got like a train whistle and a gauge coming out of his head.
So steampunk.
But yeah, it's the same deal as the others, flavored ghost-shaped cereal with spooky marshmallows (I think they're mostly shaped like bats, but it's kinda hard to tell).
Again, you can click here to vote for your favorite of the three monster cereals for a chance to win some mons and other swag. 

Let's suck that spooky dick!

I gotta say, I thought my boi Frank was my favorite monster cereal. but I enjoyed Boo Berry just a little more. I've been living a lie. 
They're all good though, of course.

Anyway, that concludes Chadaza's Super Spooky Cereal Blog!
I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as my digestive tract hated it. My feces has been all kinds of scary colors. That being said, I'm going to take a short break. Not super long, but at least a few weeks. No idea what I'm doing for Halloween next year as far as the blog goes , but I'm sure I'll think of something. 

Stay tuned for the Thanksgiving blog when I eat a bowl of shredded turkey in milk!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I'm Boo (Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die)


(Let me know if you got that marmalade reference)

I'm back again with another Gmod horror map. Y'know, making all these Halloween blogs just five days apart of one another really drains me of things to talk about...

We're doing Boo Berry today.

Boo Berry looks high as fuck on this box. Like, just look at him. Anyway, just like Count Chocula, you can vote Boo for president by heading to this website and casting your vote. You could also win some cash money and other prizes. 

This cereal is dark. Like, it's a way darker blue/purple than I remember. It looks practically the same as Count Chocula through my shitty phone camera. 

I think I enjoyed Boo Berry more than Count Chocula, but that may be because there's a ton of chocolate cereals, so maybe it's just a refreshing change of pace. 

Sorry this one is so empty on jokes, but I had this whole bit on how I think Boo Berry looks gay (not that there's anything wrong with that, please don't go all Tumblr on me) but I decided to scrap it as to not offend anyone. However, I found this form post about Franken Berry being gay. So maybe that'll hold you over. 

The Rumor Come Out: Does Franken Berry is Gay? 

Tune in next time to find out!

And also, Ghoul Grumps started today!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tony The Tiger's Terrifying Treat [DLC]

Wise Fwom Youw Gwave!

So the plan was to just do Franken Berry, Count Chocula and Boo Berry for the Halloween season, but my sister went to the store and bought me yet another spooky -style cereal so now you guys get additional content. 

Also, you guys like the seasonal background and banner? The banner I made for Halloween looks better than the banner I made for the blog initially, which really says a lot about my graphic design skills (for example: they're bad). 
Sure the banner is silly/campy, but I feel like the silly font and the skulls and what not are really the whole spoopy icing on the Spoopoween cake. 

If you couldn't tell by the title, we're eating some corn flakes today, fam. 
Some straight up Children of the Corn Flakes, if you will.

So as you can see, this is yet another chocolate with marshmallow cereal, except this one is in flake form. You can also build your very own skellyman out of the marshmallows. Pretty swag, right? 

I figured since this and Count Chocula are pretty similar, we do them back-to-back and compare them. Honestly though, I think it's pretty fuckin rude of Tony to hop in on the Halloween cereal game, and practically straight jack my boi Count Chocula's idea. Gotta be more original, Tony. How can you tell kids to "earn their stripes" and then bank off other people's creativity? Not cool, man.

Let's rip this joint.

So, the Chocolate flavoring just kinda comes off the flakes in the milk for the most part. Not that that's a terrible thing, but it makes the corn flakes this weird brown color, and I'm sure that's a bit gross to some people. Aside from that though, it's pretty much what you'd expect. It's like if you poured chocolate milk in frosted flakes.

Yo Tony, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Count Chocula is one of the best Halloween-themed cereals of all time!

All in all it's pretty good, but it can't beat the Count. 

I will see you guys in a couple of days for more scary shenanigans.

[Pumpkin Emoji]

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Count Calories? Nah Son, Count Chocula.

What is up, bois and ghouls?

It's me, Chadaza, your favorite spoopy demon. So It's now the 15th of October, which means there should at least be a small amount of Spookoween in your life by now. And I'm here to give you a lil xtra, starting today with the Halloween themed cereal, Count Chocula! 

Now I haven't had this stuff since I was like maybe 11 or so, which means this is gonna be a blast from the past, much like the previous Reese's Puffs entry.
Well anyway, lets look at the box.

So as you can see, they're going for like a whole Decision 2016 kind of thing, much like Mountain Dew earlier this year. Apparently if you go to you can vote on your favorite monster of the three, and have a chance to win $5,000 cash money business!
[This post is totally not sponsored by General Mills, can you imagine?]

I don't wanna get political on this show, but man I wish Franken Berry really were running for president. He's gotta be better than the candidates we got now.
*Trap horns for that sick political burn I just pulled*

So anyway, all the Halloween kids cereals contain marshmallows, and I plan on posting all of them within the rest of the month, so hopefully the Vegetarian Gods don't smite my rectum.

Let's pack that bowl, my scary friends!

On a scale of Trick or Treat, this was definitely a treat, fam. 
If memory serves me right, Franken Berry is my bae, but the others are pretty good as well. 

That's gonna do it for this one. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. 
And as always, be spooky as phuck.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

[Fan Requested!] PB&M

I am filled with the excitement today, folks!

Wanna know why? Because this is our first fan-requested post!

(Also, when I typed "excitement,"  I forgot to type the 'i' and the first word suggestion I got was "excrement .")

I am filled with excrement today, folks!

Anyway, like I said this blog post was requested by my lovely friend Arianna, so give her a big Sticky Shout-Out! Yes! You too can request certain types of carbohydrates for me to digest! You can either email me at or since you probably already know who I am in real life, you could probably just ask me on Facebook or something...

It may not be the AM, but it's still the flavor I savor, baby!
Today, we're chewin up some straight thugging, dick tuggin Reese's Puffs!

That bowl is a Reese's Cup wrapper. Harcore, amiright?!
There's no ridiculous cartoon character on the box, so I'm basically dry for commentary... It's orange... I dunno. What do you want from me?

Well, lets pack that bizzity-bowl, kids!

It tastes like nostalgia, fam!
Like shootin up Saturday morning cartoons into your veins. 
Little bit of Doug and Pepper Ann, bud not Disney's Doug because it wasn't as good.
(Only 90's Kidz!)

As far as I know, this is really the only peanut butter and chocolate cereal to exist. If there's generic Reese's Puffs, I've at the very least never paid attention to them. 

That concludes today's post. 
Don't do cartoons, kids.

AshCoolBro - Uptown Puffs

(I would've put the video here so you wouldn't have to click the link, but Blogger seems to think that's a bad idea and won't let me do it. Sorry.)

Next month (hopefully), I'll have some spooky cereals for you ghouls and goblins. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Children of the Flakes

Guess who's bizzity-back!

(It's me)

Previously on Chad Zilch's Cereal Blog:

"My phone with it's beautiful -7 micropistols has soft-bricked on me, so I'm going to be taking another month-long break or so until I get a new phone or something... As you can imagine, all these hardships have me quite triggered at the moment, so fuck."

But now I'm back because of a very generous fan who has donated to me a Samsung Galaxy S4. I feel like I'm in a special club now for people with nice phones. I know the S4 has a few years under it's belt since its release, but all of my previous phones are so cheapy and old, I'm impressed by this phone simply because it has a flashlight on it. That's really all the additional features I needed to make me happy.

Enough with that junk though. You're not here for a tech review (although that may be more entertaining), you're here for a fucking cereal review! (seriously, why are you here?)


Motha fuckin Kerk Flokz! Name brand! Look at dat rooster! 
That rooster gives me a hard on every time.

 "The original & best" printed right on the box, "since 1906," that's like... when America was born or something...

Let's pack that bowl.

Look how fuckin beautiful that is! 
[does that Italian hand kissing gesture]

Freakin 10/10
You can't beat name brand, y'know? 
Like the thing that makes generic corn flakes not good is how hard they stay in milk. There's a difference between "staying crunchy" and not absorbing any milk at all, and these guys absorb milk relly gud. 

While I was eating this, I watched my boi HarshlyCritical play a  "Silent Hill fan game" that even the guys that made the Chinese ripoff of Overwatch would be ashamed of. 
Here's that in case you're interested:

Okay. Bye.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dem Flakes Tho

Fear and Self-Loathing at My House

Hey guys, it's Kulture. Back with another Overwatch vid.
(I haven't used this joke yet, right?)

Anyway, I'm coming back from a month long hiatus to tell you guys that I'm going to be going on another hiatus.
My phone with it's beautiful -7 micropistols has soft-bricked on me, so I'm going to be taking another month long break or so until I get a new phone or something. I bought a tablet, but it's some bottom of the barrel shit, especially as far as the camera goes at a whopping 1 megapixel. And as you guys know, I'm all about high-quality content on this blog, so I'm gonna at least attempt to get a better quality photo of my calories before I post next. As you can imagine, all these hardships have me quite triggered at the moment, so fuck.

Now that that's out of the way, I present to you the last photo of cereal I had saved on my micro SD.

Motha fuckin Millville brand corn flakes!

I don't have a picture of the box this time, sue me. 

Anyway, probably the best generic flakes I've had in a while.
They didn't stay all hard and shit.
I'd give em an 8/10 

Whelp, until next time, bitches.
(Like I said, probably another month)
I fucking love you and stuff.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Trip to Millville

It's Hip 2 Be Square, Apparently

Hey, everybody! I know it's been a while, but I'm back with another exciting let's play!
I recently bought some Millville shat, so the next few blogs are probably gonna be about those. Today, I'm gonna be sipping on some... Rice Squares.

That's a creative name.
I wonder how long it took them to come up with that.

Anyway, it's a rice product and there's no added sugar, so this should be right up my alley. 

As you can see from the box, Millville don't fuck around. 
There ain't no gosh dang mascot on this box, no sir. There's not even kid shit on the back of the box.
I gotta say though, as a young adult I'm down with that. I don't need no fucking racist panda on my cereal box to make me buy it. 

It's more adult, and I respect that, because for me, it's cereal from the womb to the tomb, baby!
(I'm sorry you had to read that)  

All right. Let's pack a bowl.

Pretty good, I'd say. Probably like a 7/10
It gets better towards the end because all of the bottom cereal is already in the milk for a while. It's a problem that doesn't really happen with the 'crisp' variety of rice because the pieces are so small that they can be moved around easier without taking up as much space. 

So in conclusion, Crisp is King.

Whilst eating these squares, I watched my boi HarshlyCritical play Night Blights (Full Release Version):

Until next time, remember to eat breakfast everyday.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tricked Ya

Happy (day after) Easter!

[Obligatory zombie Jesus joke]
(I changed the way the blog looks because I thought what could be more exciting than grey cubes.)

For all of you who thought I was gonna be eating Trix cereal for Easter because I ate Lucky Charms for St. Patrick's Day, you're fucking wrong! Trix can only be consumed by children. Don't you know that?

Today I'm gonna be eating Whoppers (malted milk balls) in the shape of eggs!
Crazy stuff, right?

So, the reason I'm eating the Easter themed "cereal" the day after instead of on Easter is because I didn't want to eat vomit on a day where most people have turkey or ham or something. 
I myself had a lot of vegetables and carbs and whatnot and decided eating a ton of chocolate and milk afterwards would be a bad time.

Well, whatever, lets do this.

Alright. That sucked. Could've been worse, but overall a bad idea. 
Not the kind of thing  you want to stay crunchy in milk. 
My teeth hurt a little.
Chocolate cross/10
For those of you wondering, the milk turned light grey with little speckles of color in it. I'd show you, but my phone's camera is garbage. 

Whelp, I hope you guys had a nice Easter, religious or not. I mean, you can probably tell that I'm not by now, but I had a good Sunday nonetheless.

Anyway, later bitches.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

We're Up All Night to Get Lucky

Top of the afternoon to ye, lads an lassies

Happy Listen to Dropkick Murphy's Day!

This one goes out to all the people who thought I'd be eating Lucky Charms on St. Patrick's Day.You're absolutely fuckin right. I have no creativity.

Now, I'm not supposed to eat Lucky Charms because they contain gelatin (bone marrow) in the marshmallows. I just hope the vegetarian gods smile upon me today.

I don't remember much from my childhood days, and honestly, Rice Crispies have been my favorite cereal since I was like seven or something, so I didn't have much sugary cereal back then either. However, there was totally pots of gold mallows in his cereal when I was a kid. They seem to have been replaced with either a hat, or a hourglass. Is the hourglass supposed to signify to adults who remember the gold that our precious moments of childhood or even life are slowly withering away?!

Anyway, lets take a look at the box.

Look at this fuckin Flash animation Lucky! He's gruesome! 
He could come on right after Johnny Test and no one would bat an eye.
America, is this really what you want for our kids?

I don't even know what to think anymore.
Lets just get to eating.

Pretty good. These marshmallows make my teeth feel like they're gonna fall off.
I really don't have anything to compare this to, but it was name brand, so it's as good as you can get, I'd say. 
8/10. Minus two points for the teeth injury. 

It's wear green or be killed out there, folks.


Monday, March 7, 2016

National Cereal Day! [100 emoji] [Okay emoji]

It's National MuthaFuckin Cereal Day

So I was kinda busy this morning, so this is coming kinda late in the day, but I heard on the news that today (March 7th) is National Cereal Day.

Needless to say, I creamed. 

I had to do something special...

This here is a Kellogg's Fun Pak. 
This shit contains 8 wittle boxes of cereal (for three fuckin dollars!).
2 boxes of Cocoa Krispies, 2 boxes of Frosted Flakes, 2 boxes of Frooty Loops Studios, a box of Apple Jacks, and a box of Corn Pops.

Now, as you can probably tell from the other cereal blogs I've posted, I'm not a big fan of sugary cereals. Frosted Flakes are pretty good. Froot Loops, and Apple Jacks are pretty all right too, but who on Earth likes fuckin Corn Pops? Is that anyone's favorite cereal?
Like, comment, subscribe if Corn Pops are your favorite cereal.

It's kinda hard to tell from my shitty phone camera, but I dumped em all together in one bowl. 
Here's a bird's eye view. 

Letz Get This  Æ’Ãœ¢ÊžÃ­Ï€⅁ Party Started

I don't know how to rate this...
It was delicious, and I got diabetes. 
Kinda tasted like marshmallows and chocolate.

For those of you who are wondering, the milk didn't turn very chocolate-y at the end. It was just kinda off white and tasted like pure sugar. 

Eat some cereal today before it's too late  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cereal Blog OTG and Coheed & Cambria

Eating Dicks!

Hey, folks. Chad Zilch here. Today marks the first ever Cereal Blog On The Go!

I was on the way to a Choheed & Cambria concert in Pittsburgh (more on that below if you're interested.) and we stopped at a place called Dick's Diner.

We were all looking through the menu, and my sister's boyfriend had pointed out that the menu includes cereals. He then said, "You can get some pictures for your blog here." And I was like, "That's the dumbest and greatest idea ever." So I asked the waitress what cereals were available, and Corn Flakes seemed like the best option.

The portion of cereal wasn't that great, but the cereal to milk ratio was on point, so I guess that's all that matters. I mean, I wasn't expecting a huge amount of cereal like I eat at my house, but I was kind of hoping for at least two cups of cereal, and I'm pretty sure this was only one cup. The milk was brought in a small cup and was kinda warm. Not like grossly warm or anything, but it certainty could have been colder.

Overall, pretty good cereal. I'm like 99% certain it was name brand Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Biggest complaint was the milk temperature. 
I'd give it a 8.5/10

See ya, folks.

(Up next is the concert part of the blog, so if you only came here for the cereal, your job here is done.)

Coheed & Cambria LIVE At Stage AE in Pittsburgh

(I wrote a lot of this stuff on the ride home from the show so it could still be fresh in my mind)

Coheed and Cambria: Love em, hate em, or Google em, they're my favorite rock band.
 (And have been since like 2005.)

I'm sure a lot of you probably don't know, but I've never been to a concert before. I've been to bars with musical guests, and open mic nights, but as far as going somewhere just to see musical talent in a large crowd while your feet fall off, I've never done it. Till now.

Coheed and Cambria took my concert hymen and tore it the fuck up. 
They rocked the place. As soon as Claudio started singing, my feet didn't hurt anymore. It's incredible to focus so much on something you forget everything else. 

It's incredible to see a band you've idolized for about ten years just standing on stage like 50 feet away from you. Like, "Wow. They're people, too." Seeing people singing along is quite an emotional experience as well. All these people just shouting their heads off to a song they no-doubt have an emotional experience to. Whether it be a failed relationship, a current relationship, a good memory, a bad memory, it was just magical. When everyone sang the chorus to "Atlas," it's like they're all just telling Claudio's son to just relax because even though his dad is off touring with the band, he still loves his son and can't wait to get home and see him. 

I'm pretty sure only people I know read this thing, so that's as sappy as I'll get. 
In fact to counteract the sappiness, I now know that I said "fuck" at exactly the same time as Claudio and the rest of the band at least three times.

Fantastic experience though. Even if my ears are broken and my voice is wrecked from yelling, I'd totally go again if I ever get the chance. Just gotta wait till my hearing comes back. 

Peace to the mountain.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Back With a Brand Old Rap

What's good, folks?

Chup Zolch here.
Coming at you with another toy review.

More Panda Pods today. Exciting, right?
Now before you unsubscribe (I have zero followers. Zilch even. haha Get it? Kill me.), check out this fuckin new spoon I'm using!

That reflection tho.

Fuck. Let's eat. I dunno.

Like 7/10 or something. Degree deodorant.

Maybe something more exciting next time.

Check out Table Flip playing Grumptionary with clay:

It's more exciting than this shit.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Cup Of Hospitality

Hospitality Brand Corn Flakes

Ladies and gentlemen,
 Boy and girls,
Children of all ages,
Freaks and geeks,
Trolls and derps alike,
Welcome to another episode of Creepy Gaming!

On today's episode, I'm going to be taking a look at Hospitality Brand Corn Flakes.
Now, I think these are from Bilo though I'm not really sure. I didn't buy them.
Anyway, here's a look at what we're dealing with here:

So yeah. There's that.
These are obviously pretty generic, but I mean, the box is nice and white, and it's got the run-of-the-mill usual breakfast type shiz on the box.
Y'know? With the straight up OJ and the strawberries and shit.

Anyway, let's taste some fuckin hospitality.

All right. So that was pretty much your average bowl of generic corn flakes. 
Gonna give it an average 5/10 maybe a 5.5/10

For those of you that aren't a cereal enthusiast like myself, you may not know the huge difference between generic and name brand Kellog's Corn Flakes, lesser brands not only taste different, but the texture is different too. Name brand Corn Flakes also take way less time to get to the perfect soft but not too soft consistency.  I waited roughly three to five minutes for these flakes to get soft.
Get some dollar store brand flakes and a Kellogg's box of corn flakes and try a bowl of each some time if you don't know what I'm talking about. It'll blow your fucking mind the amount of difference there is.

This is like stupidly lengthy for a blog about cereal, so I'm gonna stop it here.

 I watched the Game Grumps play Super Mario Maker today while I ate my cereal.
Here's the link to the episode I watched if you're interested.

We hope to see you again.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tonight on a Very Special Cereal Blog

Tonight on a Very Special Cereal Blog

Hey blokes, Chad here.
Guess what, bitches? I made a gosh dang banner thing!

Czech it out!

And here we have the emo version.

Look at those fucking clipart skillz, dawg!
I am a fucking legend!

All right. It's not that good. The bottom text looks off-center and everything. But who gives a shat.

I made this while listening to some Artificial Construct.
He's a metal man. Mostly instrumental.
You can check him out on his Bandcamp as well.

Later, figs.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Second Verse Same as the First

Second Verse Same as the First

Hey fam, it's Chad Zilch.
I actually wasn't planning on eating any more cereal this weekend, but here I am. Eating cereal. 
This is totally not supposed to be a daily blog. I'd become obese if it were.

 Today is pretty much a repeat of yesterday. 
Same cereal (Family Gourmet Crispy Rice), same racist cereal box design, same 1/2 gallon of Dean's milk 2%, same spoon, and same bowl. 
I'll bet you're totally excited to hear that, right?
Top tier content right here, folks.

Let's fuckin pack a bowl then already.

Yeah. Good cereal.
I'm not really sure why, but it tasted a bit better today. Only slightly though.Probably like a 7.5/10 today. I dunno. Y'see, I could've just been lazy and posted the same photo as yesterday's, but I didn't do that shit. Know why? Because this is the kind of quality blogging I bring to the table. I'm just that committed, people.

I ate todays cereal while watching the Grumps play Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Part 3) which you can watch for yourself right here:

Tune in next time.
God, this blog is entertaining.

Friday, February 5, 2016

2.5.16 The First!

The First!

Welcome to my first ever cereal blog.
 Let's blog about some fuckin cereal.
I've never blogged before, so bare with me here. 
This blog is about eating cereal, and it should be taken completely seriously. 

This here is the bowl I use. It's big and red. It holds roughly 5 cups of water, so as you can imagine, I eat quite a bit of cereal in one sitting. I may not use this bowl every time, but it's definitely the bowl I use the most. The spoon is totally subject to change though.

My bowl (plus spoon).

Every time I'm home, I always eat my cereal on a laptop keyboard that no longer works. 
The laptop works, but the keyboard doesn't.
 It gives it that homely aesthetic... Or something. I dunno. 


Anyway, today I'm going to eat a personal favorite of mine: Family Gourmet's Crispy Rice.
It's Family Dollar's generic version of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. However instead of Snap, Crackle, and Pop, the box features a panda bear. 
Pretty fuckin racist, right? 
Rice. Pandas. Goddamm.

Super fuckin racist box design
I was trying to find a better picture for you guys on the Internet because my
phone camera is shit, but no such luck. I think you get the idea though.

The milk I'll be using today is Dean's 2%. Definitely my favorite type of milk.
(But not favorite brand of milk. I don't really have a favorite brand. Milk is milk.)
I think 2% is a good compromise between whole and skim, y'know?
Besides, this is a blog where I eat a massive amount of cereal. It ain't exactly a diet blog knowwhatimsayin?

It's the 2 percent
That you can't forget
Diss my milk,
And I'll make you regret it

Well, let's pack a bowl (of cereal), shall we?

Pretty good overall, y'know?
Tastes like Rice Krispies. I'd give it a 7/10 this time.
I haven't tried too many generic toasted rice cereals before, but this kind is better than some of the others I have tried. For instance, I've had Dollar General's generic Rice Krispies a few months ago, shit tastes like nothing. Like seriously.

Todays cereal was eaten while I watched the finale of Dead Rising by The Game Grumps:

Stay tuned.
Next time, I'll eat cereal.