Friday, February 5, 2016

2.5.16 The First!

The First!

Welcome to my first ever cereal blog.
 Let's blog about some fuckin cereal.
I've never blogged before, so bare with me here. 
This blog is about eating cereal, and it should be taken completely seriously. 

This here is the bowl I use. It's big and red. It holds roughly 5 cups of water, so as you can imagine, I eat quite a bit of cereal in one sitting. I may not use this bowl every time, but it's definitely the bowl I use the most. The spoon is totally subject to change though.

My bowl (plus spoon).

Every time I'm home, I always eat my cereal on a laptop keyboard that no longer works. 
The laptop works, but the keyboard doesn't.
 It gives it that homely aesthetic... Or something. I dunno. 


Anyway, today I'm going to eat a personal favorite of mine: Family Gourmet's Crispy Rice.
It's Family Dollar's generic version of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. However instead of Snap, Crackle, and Pop, the box features a panda bear. 
Pretty fuckin racist, right? 
Rice. Pandas. Goddamm.

Super fuckin racist box design
I was trying to find a better picture for you guys on the Internet because my
phone camera is shit, but no such luck. I think you get the idea though.

The milk I'll be using today is Dean's 2%. Definitely my favorite type of milk.
(But not favorite brand of milk. I don't really have a favorite brand. Milk is milk.)
I think 2% is a good compromise between whole and skim, y'know?
Besides, this is a blog where I eat a massive amount of cereal. It ain't exactly a diet blog knowwhatimsayin?

It's the 2 percent
That you can't forget
Diss my milk,
And I'll make you regret it

Well, let's pack a bowl (of cereal), shall we?

Pretty good overall, y'know?
Tastes like Rice Krispies. I'd give it a 7/10 this time.
I haven't tried too many generic toasted rice cereals before, but this kind is better than some of the others I have tried. For instance, I've had Dollar General's generic Rice Krispies a few months ago, shit tastes like nothing. Like seriously.

Todays cereal was eaten while I watched the finale of Dead Rising by The Game Grumps:

Stay tuned.
Next time, I'll eat cereal.