Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Getting Flint-Stoned on National Cereal Day!

Happy National Cereal Day!

Been a little while since I posted a blog where I actually just eat cereal instead of Tide Pods or something. You can watch that video here if you missed it. But anyway, it's National Cereal Day here in the U.S. so let's get this party started. Nothing crazy today, but something a little unique.

Hangin with my boys Fred and Barney today! Gotta say, Barney looks just as soulless as ever. He need some milk. I bought this at my workplace for only $1.40, and it's still good until April, so that's pretty dope. Basically the only good reason to work in retail is so you can get good deals on cereal and get the new shit as soon as it hits shelves. Anyway, this is Cinnamon Pebbles. Basically Rice Krispies with cinnamon on them. Not that I'm complaining, cinnamon cereals are great in my opinion. You guys remember King Vitamin? I'm pretty sure King Vitamin had a bit of a cinnamon taste and that shit was baller. I'm talking about King Vitamin like it doesn't exist any more, but according to the Wikipedia page, Quaker still makes it. Bitch, where? I haven't seen that shit in years. If you see King Vitamin in your stores, send it to my nonexistant P.O. Box.  Thanks.

Oh shit. Where was I? Oh right, Cinnamon Pebbles. Lets's pack that bowl!

(if you couldn't tell, I'm gonna need some additional lighting in my new room if I want to take high quality pictures of cereal)

Okay, so I couldn't find my iconic Clifford the Big Red Bowl, but I'm sure it's just at the dry cleaners or something. This'll have to do for now. Like I said before, I enjoy cinnamon cereals, so this was quite good. I felt like some of the pieces stayed oddly crunchy in the milk, but not like a crazy amount or anything. Overall a damn good cup of coffee. 

Celebrate National Cereal Day by packing a bowl of your own with one of your favorite cereals. Cereal is perfectly acceptable to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so get on that shit.
Have a happy National Cereal Day! <3

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tide Pods Cereal! [Vlog]

Welcome to 2018! 

Where People Have to be Told Not to Eat Tide Pods.

This image is just for the thumbnail. Check the video out below!

(Or click here to go to the video on YouTube:

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Burger King Cinnamon Toast Crunch Milkshake!

Long Live the King!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

This is gonna be a quick one, but I was at Burger King with my friend Josh the other day gettin' my veggie burger on. We were just about done eating when he says, "They have a Cinnamon Toast Crunch milkshake now if you're interested." As you can imagine, my eyes lit up with excitement! So I replied with ,"Hell yeah, I'm interested!" Went up to the counter and got me one before we left.

Look at that! I was actually able to find an advertisement for this one!  

Much like the other two (the Froot Loops Milkshake, and the Lucky Charms Milkshake), this one is a vanilla milkshake with the cereal blended in. Easy enough to make at home, but lazy enough to not.

Lets pack that cup!

Sippin' it in the car this time. Gotta say, if you like cinnamon, it's quite good. Josh choked on his a little bit because of the cinnamon, but as long as you're not a little bitch, you should be fine.

If I were to rank the BK cereal shakes from best to worst, I'd say the Lucky Charms one is still in the lead, followed by this cinnamon boi here, and then last but not least the Froot Loops one. There's nothing wrong with the Froot Loops shake, I just feel like the Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch shakes had a bit more flavor to them.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Crunch!

Happy Halloween, kiddies!

Halloween is here and the time is right for spookin' in the street! If you couldn't tell from all my Halloween blogs and whatnot, I really like Halloween. I don't go to big costume parties or anything to celebrate it really, but I watch a ton of cheesy (and a few good) horror movies each year. This year, I watched a bunch of Stephen King adaptation films such as The Tommyknockers, Sleepwalkers, and Cell. None of those were Casablanca by any means, but out of those three, I recommend Cell. I still haven't seen the new IT, but the original one from the 80's is fantastic. I also watched Hocus Pocus and the first Halloweentown (I think the first one is all I can handle) this year.

I also highly recommend Boys on the Trees. It's on Netflix, and it is a PERFECT Halloween movie. I don't want to talk about it too much, just trust me on this. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it either before or on Halloween. 

But that's enough about that, I feel like YouTuber trying to pad time for the ten-minute mark. This blog is supposed be about cereal, so lets get down to business.

We're doing Halloween Crunch today! The little red ghosties turn your milk green! As you can see from the box, the Cap'n has seen better days. I think he's supposed to be a zombie. I wonder if they're ever made Ol' Crunch a ghost pirate. Y'know, with like a ghost pirate ship and all that jazz. Ya like jazz?

Anyway, let's pack that spooky bowl!

Might be a little hard to see in the picture, but some of the ghosties I poured milk on are already turning a bit green. It's a bit hard to rate these because they just taste like normal Cap'n Crunch, obviously. Cap'n Crunch is good though. So I'm just gonna give it a Spook Factor Rating of 666/10

Oh, and for those of you who were curious, it does indeed turn your milk green!

My camera/lighting makes it look a bit more washed out, but it's actually decently green.

I hope everyone has a spooktacular Halloween!

Tune in next time when I purchase a gun. 
What will I do with it?
Who knows!

Oh, and before I go, if you want some scary music this Halloween, check out this Halloween music compilation! Featuring your's truly! (I made a dumb mashup. Don't get your hopes up on it being good.)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pumpkin Spice Cheerios!

My Pumpkin Spice Addiction Continues!

It is that time of the year once again, folks. The leaves are (finally) starting to change color and fall from the trees, it's getting windy, kids are buying costumes, and shit's about to get spoopy! Yes Autumn is finally here, so strap on your UGG boots and cardigans and come have a pumpkin spice latte with me! Or in this case, a pumpkin spice cereal.

For those of you haven't been following my cereal blog for long, or maybe this is the first one you're seeing, I reviewed Count Chocula, some sort of Halloween Frosted Flakes, Boo Berry, and last, and also certainly least, Franken Berry!  All those links will take you to their respective blog post if you want to check them out. I probably shouldn't have done all of those in one month, but whatever. As Dave Mustaine always says, "Hindsight is always 20/20."

So even though I'm out of the big hitters as far as Halloween cereals go, it's cool because I love pumpkin spice flavored stuff. I know it's not everyone's cup of latte, but I loved pumpkin pie since I can remember, and now I can't get enough pumpkin spice flavored things. I feel like pumpkin spice potato chips and garbage bags are a bit overboard, but to each their own.

Well, thats enough rambling about my obsession. 
Let's pack that bowl!

I might be a little biased, but this is excellent! One of the great things about Cheerios is that they're whole grain, and I love the taste of grain. Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the mix and you have me sold. I'mma just rate this one a solid 10/10. Well, I'm gonna go watch Hocus Pocus or something. 

Stay tuned, I have at least one Halloween themed cereal to review closer to when the time comes. Until then, stay spooky!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mocha Crunch!

They spelled my name wrong on my Starbucks cup!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the most white girl Cereal Blog entry to date (I'd say "of  all time" but we're doing pumpkin spice Cheerios in October, so that may have this beat)!

That's right, folks, coffee flavored cereal! Made to excite my white gurl taste buds! I personally really like coffee. Like, a lot. Well, most of the time, at least. Sometimes my stomach is like "Don't you fucking dare!" but most of the time, coffee and I get along just fine. That being said, I don't usually go for the fancy pants iced-mocha-grande-gelato-skim milk-froyo-Ugg boots-pink sunglasses-Snapchat filter-vitamin enriched (I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore) type of coffee. I just usually drink regular black coffee or regular coffee with like two sugars, one cream kind of deal. Nothing fancy. But either way, I'm pretty hyped to try this out!  

Oh, but before I get any further, I wanted to show you guys some silly thing I made!

Yep. I designed a cereal box. For those of you who know me in real life, you probably know that I can't draw for shit (my creative skills pretty much end at sub-par graphic design and even subber-par memes) so this this creation was sort of a unofficial collaboration with my friend Dani Kassander. She drew the original picture of me eating cereal, and I just went ahead and edited it in GIMP (It's like Photoshop, but free). It didn't exactly turn out all that well as far as GIMP not pixelating her drawing a bunch, but you know what they say, "A good artist blames his tools." Here's the original drawing below.

And while we're still on the subject, check out Dani's official Website (she's an animator!) and her official  YouTube!

Anyway, let's pack that bowl!!

Judging from the picture on the box, I thought they'd be more round, like Cocoa Puffs, but they're more or less flat discs like Cookie Crisp. I gotta say, they actually tasted like a mocha cappuccino! Like, it was surprisingly accurate. Kinda tore up my mouth a bit, but maybe that's because I didn't let the milk sink in enough. Not sure. Either way, I enjoyed it! Giving these an 8/10! If you want to wake up in the morning and want to trick your brain into thinking you drank some coffee because you're trying to cut back on caffeine, then I highly recommend it! 

Anyway, sorry for the lack of jokes, but I wanted to save some of the white girl jokes for October. 

Untill next time!

Monday, July 3, 2017


July the 4th Be With You

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it's hot as phuck outside. It's officially summertime and you know what that means? I'm sick. Yup. I have strep throat or something. I swear I catch a bug every summer. Anyway, it's also the 4th of July. For all you uninitiated non-American readers out there, on this day back in 1776 Thomas Jefferson built a boat and killed the Nazis, and that's why we celebrate. I was thinking about skipping the 4th of July this year as far as bloging goes because my throat feels a little like hot garbage, but Judy bought me just the thing for this event. 

Strawberry and Blueberry Toast Crunch. Get it? It's like red, white, and blue. As long as you count the toast as white. [Some sort of white people = white bread joke here]. Anyway, since they're not patriotic enough on their own, I'm gonna pour them both together and eat it like that.

Let's pack that patriotic bowl, fellow U.S. citizen!

The blueberry ones look a little bit like they have black pepper on them, but they look a little more blue/purple in person. In case anyone was wondering, I tried a little bit of each flavor individually, and I much prefer the blueberry kind. The strawberry by itself was good too, but the blueberry was where it's at.  Both of them together was pretty interesting because I could still taste the individual flavors at times. As if they don't mix super well or something. I dunno. I'm not a scientist, go read a hieroglyph. If you haven't had any [blank] Toast Crunch lately such as myself, you might be surprised to know how much the "toast" actually tastes a little bit like toast. Like, it's honestly really similar to eating jam on toast. 

Overall, I'm giving this experience 9 bald eagles out of 10 Big Macs.
Happy Birthday, Abe Lincoln.
Try not to lose any fingers this year, folks! 

Bush did 9/11