Tuesday, March 7, 2017

[National Cereal Day 2017] Finding Dory

What is up, buoys and gills?

Today is National Cereal Day!
Unfortunately, I don't have anything quite as cool as last year's National Cereal Day planned this year, but I figure as long as I post something, maybe the Cereal Gods will let me live for yet another year.

One cool thing that I did to celebrate National Cereal Day that you may've already noticed, I updated the banner!

Yep. It's a straight-up Kellogg's rip-off.
I don't really consider myself "well versed" in the graphic design world, but I think it turned out pretty well. Much better than that shitty clip art spoon shit I was using before. In my opinion at least.

If you're a new to reading these, or you just stumbled onto this blog from the wilderness, you can find last years NCD blog HERE!
 And for the lazy, here's a quick video from it:

Anyway, let's get on with the actual blog, eh? 

Today I present to you Finding Dory cereal! Don't get too excited though, it's just Lucky Charms with fish marshmallows. I dunno why, but Jodi loves buying me Lucky Charms rip-offs for this blog. I think she just wants the vegetarian gods to smite me for eating marshmallows. Ah, well. Fuck it, right?

This box sparkly af, fam. I had to take multiple photos of this box just to try and get the glare to not be so obnoxious. This was the best I could do, so deal with it. 
So, you get marshmallows shaped like Dory, of course, Marlin/Nemo, ... Yellow Fish, and White Fish? Alright. You guys could't be arsed to try and make the octopus guy (Hank) or Sigourney Weaver? Shit. Now I just wanna see a Sigourney Weaver shaped marshmallow...

Let's pack that bowl, homie.

 So, I recently watched Finding Dory on Netflix. I wanted to watch it before I made this post because I figured it would give me something to talk about, so here comes that part.

I thought the movie was pretty good, honestly. One of the (usually unwanted) effects of seeing a popular movie quite a few months after its release is that you hear a lot of good and bad things about the movie before you even see it, which can weigh your opinion one way or another while watching it. For instance, I heard quite a few people say that Finding Dory was a complete cookie-cutter of the first film. So when I first started the movie, I was fully expecting Beverly Hills Cop 2 amounts of cookie-cuttery, which wasn't the case, at least in my opinion. Sure, they used a lot of the same secondary characters, but I feel like they introduced enough new characters to keep it fresh. I also feel like the plot and setting were different enough as well. I mean, it's a movie for kids whatthefuckever, right?

Anyway, that's just like, my opinion, man. I'm by no means a movie critic. Honestly, I'm hardly even a cereal critic.  Speaking of which, I'm not even giving this a rating, it's Lucky Charms with the Disney Skin DLC pack.

Tune in next time when I bash a penguin's head in with a rock and eat it's brains.

Chad Zilch: Lost in Antarctica

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