Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Getting Flint-Stoned on National Cereal Day!

Happy National Cereal Day!

Been a little while since I posted a blog where I actually just eat cereal instead of Tide Pods or something. You can watch that video here if you missed it. But anyway, it's National Cereal Day here in the U.S. so let's get this party started. Nothing crazy today, but something a little unique.

Hangin with my boys Fred and Barney today! Gotta say, Barney looks just as soulless as ever. He need some milk. I bought this at my workplace for only $1.40, and it's still good until April, so that's pretty dope. Basically the only good reason to work in retail is so you can get good deals on cereal and get the new shit as soon as it hits shelves. Anyway, this is Cinnamon Pebbles. Basically Rice Krispies with cinnamon on them. Not that I'm complaining, cinnamon cereals are great in my opinion. You guys remember King Vitamin? I'm pretty sure King Vitamin had a bit of a cinnamon taste and that shit was baller. I'm talking about King Vitamin like it doesn't exist any more, but according to the Wikipedia page, Quaker still makes it. Bitch, where? I haven't seen that shit in years. If you see King Vitamin in your stores, send it to my nonexistant P.O. Box.  Thanks.

Oh shit. Where was I? Oh right, Cinnamon Pebbles. Lets's pack that bowl!

(if you couldn't tell, I'm gonna need some additional lighting in my new room if I want to take high quality pictures of cereal)

Okay, so I couldn't find my iconic Clifford the Big Red Bowl, but I'm sure it's just at the dry cleaners or something. This'll have to do for now. Like I said before, I enjoy cinnamon cereals, so this was quite good. I felt like some of the pieces stayed oddly crunchy in the milk, but not like a crazy amount or anything. Overall a damn good cup of coffee. 

Celebrate National Cereal Day by packing a bowl of your own with one of your favorite cereals. Cereal is perfectly acceptable to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so get on that shit.
Have a happy National Cereal Day! <3

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tide Pods Cereal! [Vlog]

Welcome to 2018! 

Where People Have to be Told Not to Eat Tide Pods.

This image is just for the thumbnail. Check the video out below!

(Or click here to go to the video on YouTube: