Monday, March 28, 2016

Tricked Ya

Happy (day after) Easter!

[Obligatory zombie Jesus joke]
(I changed the way the blog looks because I thought what could be more exciting than grey cubes.)

For all of you who thought I was gonna be eating Trix cereal for Easter because I ate Lucky Charms for St. Patrick's Day, you're fucking wrong! Trix can only be consumed by children. Don't you know that?

Today I'm gonna be eating Whoppers (malted milk balls) in the shape of eggs!
Crazy stuff, right?

So, the reason I'm eating the Easter themed "cereal" the day after instead of on Easter is because I didn't want to eat vomit on a day where most people have turkey or ham or something. 
I myself had a lot of vegetables and carbs and whatnot and decided eating a ton of chocolate and milk afterwards would be a bad time.

Well, whatever, lets do this.

Alright. That sucked. Could've been worse, but overall a bad idea. 
Not the kind of thing  you want to stay crunchy in milk. 
My teeth hurt a little.
Chocolate cross/10
For those of you wondering, the milk turned light grey with little speckles of color in it. I'd show you, but my phone's camera is garbage. 

Whelp, I hope you guys had a nice Easter, religious or not. I mean, you can probably tell that I'm not by now, but I had a good Sunday nonetheless.

Anyway, later bitches.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

We're Up All Night to Get Lucky

Top of the afternoon to ye, lads an lassies

Happy Listen to Dropkick Murphy's Day!

This one goes out to all the people who thought I'd be eating Lucky Charms on St. Patrick's Day.You're absolutely fuckin right. I have no creativity.

Now, I'm not supposed to eat Lucky Charms because they contain gelatin (bone marrow) in the marshmallows. I just hope the vegetarian gods smile upon me today.

I don't remember much from my childhood days, and honestly, Rice Crispies have been my favorite cereal since I was like seven or something, so I didn't have much sugary cereal back then either. However, there was totally pots of gold mallows in his cereal when I was a kid. They seem to have been replaced with either a hat, or a hourglass. Is the hourglass supposed to signify to adults who remember the gold that our precious moments of childhood or even life are slowly withering away?!

Anyway, lets take a look at the box.

Look at this fuckin Flash animation Lucky! He's gruesome! 
He could come on right after Johnny Test and no one would bat an eye.
America, is this really what you want for our kids?

I don't even know what to think anymore.
Lets just get to eating.

Pretty good. These marshmallows make my teeth feel like they're gonna fall off.
I really don't have anything to compare this to, but it was name brand, so it's as good as you can get, I'd say. 
8/10. Minus two points for the teeth injury. 

It's wear green or be killed out there, folks.


Monday, March 7, 2016

National Cereal Day! [100 emoji] [Okay emoji]

It's National MuthaFuckin Cereal Day

So I was kinda busy this morning, so this is coming kinda late in the day, but I heard on the news that today (March 7th) is National Cereal Day.

Needless to say, I creamed. 

I had to do something special...

This here is a Kellogg's Fun Pak. 
This shit contains 8 wittle boxes of cereal (for three fuckin dollars!).
2 boxes of Cocoa Krispies, 2 boxes of Frosted Flakes, 2 boxes of Frooty Loops Studios, a box of Apple Jacks, and a box of Corn Pops.

Now, as you can probably tell from the other cereal blogs I've posted, I'm not a big fan of sugary cereals. Frosted Flakes are pretty good. Froot Loops, and Apple Jacks are pretty all right too, but who on Earth likes fuckin Corn Pops? Is that anyone's favorite cereal?
Like, comment, subscribe if Corn Pops are your favorite cereal.

It's kinda hard to tell from my shitty phone camera, but I dumped em all together in one bowl. 
Here's a bird's eye view. 

Letz Get This  ƒÜ¢ʞíπ⅁ Party Started

I don't know how to rate this...
It was delicious, and I got diabetes. 
Kinda tasted like marshmallows and chocolate.

For those of you who are wondering, the milk didn't turn very chocolate-y at the end. It was just kinda off white and tasted like pure sugar. 

Eat some cereal today before it's too late  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cereal Blog OTG and Coheed & Cambria

Eating Dicks!

Hey, folks. Chad Zilch here. Today marks the first ever Cereal Blog On The Go!

I was on the way to a Choheed & Cambria concert in Pittsburgh (more on that below if you're interested.) and we stopped at a place called Dick's Diner.

We were all looking through the menu, and my sister's boyfriend had pointed out that the menu includes cereals. He then said, "You can get some pictures for your blog here." And I was like, "That's the dumbest and greatest idea ever." So I asked the waitress what cereals were available, and Corn Flakes seemed like the best option.

The portion of cereal wasn't that great, but the cereal to milk ratio was on point, so I guess that's all that matters. I mean, I wasn't expecting a huge amount of cereal like I eat at my house, but I was kind of hoping for at least two cups of cereal, and I'm pretty sure this was only one cup. The milk was brought in a small cup and was kinda warm. Not like grossly warm or anything, but it certainty could have been colder.

Overall, pretty good cereal. I'm like 99% certain it was name brand Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Biggest complaint was the milk temperature. 
I'd give it a 8.5/10

See ya, folks.

(Up next is the concert part of the blog, so if you only came here for the cereal, your job here is done.)

Coheed & Cambria LIVE At Stage AE in Pittsburgh

(I wrote a lot of this stuff on the ride home from the show so it could still be fresh in my mind)

Coheed and Cambria: Love em, hate em, or Google em, they're my favorite rock band.
 (And have been since like 2005.)

I'm sure a lot of you probably don't know, but I've never been to a concert before. I've been to bars with musical guests, and open mic nights, but as far as going somewhere just to see musical talent in a large crowd while your feet fall off, I've never done it. Till now.

Coheed and Cambria took my concert hymen and tore it the fuck up. 
They rocked the place. As soon as Claudio started singing, my feet didn't hurt anymore. It's incredible to focus so much on something you forget everything else. 

It's incredible to see a band you've idolized for about ten years just standing on stage like 50 feet away from you. Like, "Wow. They're people, too." Seeing people singing along is quite an emotional experience as well. All these people just shouting their heads off to a song they no-doubt have an emotional experience to. Whether it be a failed relationship, a current relationship, a good memory, a bad memory, it was just magical. When everyone sang the chorus to "Atlas," it's like they're all just telling Claudio's son to just relax because even though his dad is off touring with the band, he still loves his son and can't wait to get home and see him. 

I'm pretty sure only people I know read this thing, so that's as sappy as I'll get. 
In fact to counteract the sappiness, I now know that I said "fuck" at exactly the same time as Claudio and the rest of the band at least three times.

Fantastic experience though. Even if my ears are broken and my voice is wrecked from yelling, I'd totally go again if I ever get the chance. Just gotta wait till my hearing comes back. 

Peace to the mountain.